a large firm
in the small size

the firm provides corporate legal advice to small and medium sized companies in different lines of business.

a large firm
in the small size

the firm provides corporate legal advice to small and medium sized companies in different lines of business.


our services

the firm provides experience-based advice together with business focus within the following areas.

mergers & acquisitions (M&A)

assists clients in sale and purchase of companies and assets in all phases from initial negotiations up to planning and implementation of signing and closing (e.g. drafting and negotiating letters of intent, non-disclosure agreements and other pre-agreements as well as all other documentation relevant for the transaction)


manages formation of companies and company structures, board matters, matters regarding shareholders’ meetings, raising of capital (new issues of shares, warrants and convertibles), ongoing matters on corporate law

commercial contracts

drafts and negotiates contracts (e.g. agent-, commission- and reseller agreements, shareholder- and partnership agreements, sale and purchase agreements, license agreements, option agreements and non-disclosure-agreements)

commercial rental & real property

assists clients in sale and purchase of properties and property portfolios, drafting and negotiating rental, lease and easement agreements


about Ulf Sallnäs

Ulf has an MBA and a law degree. He has more than forty years experience from qualified corporate legal work as in-house lawyer of an international group of companies and as lawyer at some of the leading law firms in Sweden.

He was a member of the Swedish Bar Association between 1990 and 2024.

Ulf Sallnäs has during a considerable period of time provided legal advice in complex private transactions and has, therefore, the knowledge and experience needed to assist the clients in matters that are part of such transactions. Further, he can provide current legal advice or advice on an ad hoc-basis. He is part of an extensive informal network of specialists.


what clients say

During the many years we have worked together Ulf has always assisted us with excellent, friendly and prompt service. As a client I have always felt prioritized, and been given the best possible legal advice.

Henrik Norlin
board member and shareholder in Girincubator AB

Ulf has successfully and accurately assisted us for a number of years with advice on very complex contract law matters relating to our major automotive customers.

Gunnar Bark
owner, chairman of the board and CEO for CalixKlippan AB

He has high availability and the ability to capture what is relevant to us in agreements and other documents.

Erik Osnes
CEO, AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB

Ulf has always provided invaluable support throughout our business journey from small company to listed company. Always available, knowledgeable and pragmatic.

Emil Sallnäs
CEO, Viva Wine Group AB (publ)

Ulfs erfarenhet och förståelse för
helheten gör att det blir en effektiv och
träffsäker rådgivning

Bertil Villard
f.d. kollega, advokatfirman Vinge

"Ulf har under de många år som vi har arbetat tillsammans alltid bistått oss med utmärkt, trevlig och snabb service. Som klient till Ulf känner man sig alltid prioriterad och relationen som har utvecklats mellan vårt bolag och Ulf gör att han har en övergripande insyn i vår verksamhet och kan därför alltid ge bästa möjliga rådgivning.”

Henrik Norlin
styrelseledamot i bl.a. Re:NewCell AB (publ) och
delägare i bl.a. Girincubator AB

Som VD i Renewcell har jag från Ulf alltid fått snabb och mycket kompetent juridisk rådgivning i frågor som t.ex. kapitalanskaffning men också i bolagsspecifika frågor som kund/leverantörsavtal, NDA och anställningskontrakt mm. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Ulf som juridisk rådgivare.

Patrik Lundström
vd, Re:newcell

Ulf har mycket stor kompetens inom avtalsjuridiken, inte minst när det gäller förvärv och avyttringar av fastigheter och företag. Vår mer än tioåriga relation med Ulf har medfört att han har stor kunskap om AVL vilket i sin tur gör att arbetet flyter smidigt och effektivt. Han har förmåga att fånga det för oss relevanta i avtal och andra dokument. Ulf har hög tillgänglighet och han tar sig an nya arbetsuppgifter omgående. Detta är av stor betydelse för oss.

Erik Osnes
vd, AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB

We offer availability, experience, competence and customized advice

Ulf Sallnäs
affärsjuridik sallnäs


contact us

would you like to know more about our services or do you need advice?
welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail below.

+46 733 17 21 00
